RIANA Members

The RIANA consortium encompasses 56 beneficiaries offering access to 69 infrastructures in 22 European countries

The infrastructures are homogeneously distributed across Europe from South to North and East to West. Hence, RIANA not only advances nanoscience and nanotechnology but makes a significant contribution towards international collaboration supporting less privileged regions.

At the core of the RIANA consortium is the ARIE network (Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe) that comprises European networks with a focus on large scale research infrastructures.

Targeted towards nanoscience and nanotechnology, the following European networks are part of the consortium to offer access to research infrastructures.

League of Advanced European Neutron Sources

Access to neutron sources.

LENS Partners:

  1. FZJ – Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, MLZ, Germany

Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)

Access to high-power computing.